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Support the reconnection with the Amazon forest

Fotos: Karina Miotto

A movement that has born to inspire people to reconnect affectively with the biggest rainforest on Earth through transformative journeys based on deep ecology, science and in an experiential education according to Schumacher College´s methodology.


Due to the worrisome levels of deforestation and to the exagerated views we were taught to have about the Amazon, we understand it is time to develop a new way of approaching, feeling and relating to the Amazon forest. This is crutial to help protecting it for now and future generations.

'…we cannot win this battle to save species and environments without forging an emotional bond between ourselves and nature as well — for we will not fight to save what we do not love (but only appreciate in some abstract sense)', said Stephen Jay Gould.


The actions of the project are led by environmental journalist and educator Karina Miotto. As a big tree, Reconexão Amazônia (Reconnecting with the Amazon, in English) grows through several branches focused on education, in Brazil and abroad:


1. Public talks, classes and workshops about the Amazon forest to adults, youth and children from different countries. The basis of these actions are a result of the workshop ellaborated by Karina, named "Holistic Science and the Amazon forest". 

2. Consultancy for NGOs and schools interested in explore new approaches - more positive, inspirational and informative - about the Amazon forest.

3. Field trips to promote an immersion in the forest so through it one may reconnect with oneself, others and nature



Karina Miotto, founder of Reconexão Amazônia


Karina has 10 years of experience working in behalf of the Amazon forest, where she lived for 5 years. As part of her experience, she co-organized two TEDx events (TEDxVer-o-Peso) in the State of Pará. She is part of the Climate Reality Leadership and worked for Greenpeace, Amazon Watch and was editor of O Eco website, coordinating a group of journalists covering the entire pan-amazon rainforest region.

On 2014 she founded Reconexão Amazônia. Because of her work, on 2015 she was invited by Satish Kumar to study the MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher College, England, considered to be one of the most important centres of environmental studies in the world. To be able to fully afford for her studies, she got a bursary and was supported finnantially by 170 people around the world thanks to a very successful crowdfund campaign.

Karina studied how to facilitate experiences with nature in The Tracker School, California; Sharing Nature with Insituto Romã, in Sao Paulo; Gaia Education in Rio de Janeiro and Schumacher College, England.

She also works as speaker´s coach and have a blog named Reconexão Amazônia at a Brazilian website named Conexão Planeta. 

Karina speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish fluently. 

Below, you can watch the crowdfunding video to know more about her. To be in touch, please, click here.

Talks and classes 

Talks and classes have around 1 hour of duration - it includes scientific information, deep ecology practices, arts, meditation, information on the current environmental situation of the rainforest, time for questions and answers and sharing of personal experience, as Karina lived there for 5 years. A workshop requires two days or a full day.

Travel information

Reconexão Amazônia do not organize conventional, ecological or community tourism. Our travels involves silence, deep ecology practices, science, immersion in the florest and activities in nature.



A trip specially prepared for you

Karina will give options on where to go and for how long. The journey can be done with her, only, or with a group of people. Ideal for vacations or school trips.

Your intention


Why do you want to go to the Amazon forest?

Remember, this is a reconnection trip. 

The activities are organized and planned based on what you want to experience.

What is part of the total cost?


Lodging, meals and transportation (+ Karina´s)

Talks about the Amazon Rainforest on social and environmental context

Classes based on holistic science and the Amazon

Deep ecology practices to reconnect with nature


Private guide and personalized tours 

Where do we go to? Amazonas State!

Reconexao Amazonia has partnerships with the luxurious Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge, to those who want comfort in the jungle, with fine culinary. The partnership is also with Pousada do Garrido, to those who want to feel how is it to spend some days inside of a local community along the river. It offers simple and comfortable accomodations and regional food. Both are located in the Amazonas State, Brazil. Trips include private guides, practices with Karina Miotto (as listed above) and tours around the region, such as walks in the forest, tours on boats during different moments of the day and interaction with locals.  

Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge

Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge

Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge

Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge

Pousada do Garrido

Pousada do Garrido

Pousada do Garrido

Pousada do Garrido

Pousada do Garrido

Pousada do Garrido

Vista da pousada do Garrido

Arquipélago de Anavilhanas

Arquipélago de Anavilhanas

O Arquipélago de Anavilhanas é o segundo maior arquipélago de água doce do mundo, com cerca de 400 ilhas. A área é protegida por um Parque Nacional e fica entre Novo Airão e Manaus. A categoria da unidade de conservação é de proteção integral.Este lugar é fantástico e, nele, entramos em contato com a beleza surreal da Amazônia, especialmente se sobrevoamos as ilhas. Foto: Karina Miotto

Rio Juma

Rio Juma

Outro roteiro maravilhoso para esta viagem fica no Rio Juma, a 3 horas de barco ou 30 minutos de voo de Manaus. O hotel com o qual trabalho é todo em palafitas, no meio da selva, em uma área isolada. A biodiversidade do local é imensa e, a cada passeio, impossível não vermos inúmeras espécies de aves, jacarés, botos, preguiças. Lá podemos fazer pernoite na selva e esta é certamente uma experiência transformadora. Foto: Karina Miotto

Rio Negro

Rio Negro

Outro roteiro nos manda a 40 minutos de Manaus. Ideal para quem quer economizar, ver a floresta e imergir para dentro dela devagarinho, aos poucos. Foto: Karina Miotto

A bit about the Amazon Rainforest

From the top, soil or water, the Amazon is an impact to the eyes. For its 6.9 million square kilometers in nine South American countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana) spreads a biodiversity without parallel. It is there that lives half of terrestrial species on the planet. There are approximately 40,000 species of plants and more than 400 mammals. Birds total is close to 1,300, and the insects reach millions. In Brazil, comprises about 60% of the country.

Reconexão Amazônia stands with Standing Rock!

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